HOME > Children GIF > 很多时候过程和预想的不一样,但结果没问题就行 - Many times the process is different from the expected one, but the result is no problem.

很多时候过程和预想的不一样,但结果没问题就行 - Many times the process is different from the expected one, but the result is no problem.

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很多时候过程和预想的不一样,但结果没问题就行,Many times the process is different from the expected one, but the result is no problem.
很多时候过程和预想的不一样,但结果没问题就行 - Many times the process is different from the expected one, but the result is no problem.

很多时候过程和预想的不一样,但结果没问题就行 - Many times the process is different from the expected one, but the result is no problem.:Wait for you to sit on the sofa!


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