HOME > connotation > 女:“裁判,他犯规了,他用棍子捅我!” - Woman: "referee, he fouled. He stabbed me with a stick."

女:“裁判,他犯规了,他用棍子捅我!” - Woman: "referee, he fouled. He stabbed me with a stick."

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女:“裁判,他犯规了,他用棍子捅我!”,Woman: "referee, he fouled. He stabbed me with a stick."
女:“裁判,他犯规了,他用棍子捅我!” - Woman:

女:“裁判,他犯规了,他用棍子捅我!” - Woman: "referee, he fouled. He stabbed me with a stick.":Wait for you to sit on the sofa!


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