HOME > Lord > 大爷,我的车也挺灰的,你帮我画画吧? - Grandpa, my car is quite grey. Will you draw for me?

大爷,我的车也挺灰的,你帮我画画吧? - Grandpa, my car is quite grey. Will you draw for me?

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大爷,我的车也挺灰的,你帮我画画吧?,Grandpa, my car is quite grey. Will you draw for me?
大爷,我的车也挺灰的,你帮我画画吧? - Grandpa, my car is quite grey. Will you draw for me?

大爷,我的车也挺灰的,你帮我画画吧? - Grandpa, my car is quite grey. Will you draw for me?:Wait for you to sit on the sofa!


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