HOME > Jiong > 这老头老爱吹嘘他是什么大导演,我都懒得理他 - The old man always boasted about what director he was, and I was too lazy to talk to him.

这老头老爱吹嘘他是什么大导演,我都懒得理他 - The old man always boasted about what director he was, and I was too lazy to talk to him.

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这老头老爱吹嘘他是什么大导演,我都懒得理他,The old man always boasted about what director he was, and I was too lazy to talk to him.
这老头老爱吹嘘他是什么大导演,我都懒得理他 - The old man always boasted about what director he was, and I was too lazy to talk to him.

这老头老爱吹嘘他是什么大导演,我都懒得理他 - The old man always boasted about what director he was, and I was too lazy to talk to him.:Wait for you to sit on the sofa!


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