HOME > bully > “这是北约和欧盟的联合声明” 普京: “哦,还有其他事吗?” - "This is a joint statement between NATO and the European Union" Putin: "Oh, anything else?"

“这是北约和欧盟的联合声明” 普京: “哦,还有其他事吗?” - "This is a joint statement between NATO and the European Union" Putin: "Oh, anything else?"

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“这是北约和欧盟的联合声明” 普京: “哦,还有其他事吗?”,"This is a joint statement between NATO and the European Union" Putin: "Oh, anything else?"
“这是北约和欧盟的联合声明” 普京: “哦,还有其他事吗?” -

“这是北约和欧盟的联合声明” 普京: “哦,还有其他事吗?” - "This is a joint statement between NATO and the European Union" Putin: "Oh, anything else?":Wait for you to sit on the sofa!


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